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7 months ago
Large chests are said to encompass all manner of hopes and dreams. Men covet them. Women envy them.... Read more Large chests are said to encompass all manner of hopes and dreams. Men covet them. Women envy them. But one fact holds true — everyone wants to get their hands on some big ones.The same holds true for one intrepid adventurer — a strapping young lad by the name of Himmel. Armed with his grandfather’s trusty longsword and the dream of being the strongest, he sets out on the journey of a lifetime! It is sure to be a long and dangerous road, fraught with danger! And it all starts with a simple test — reach Level 5 in the dungeon called the ‘newbie zone’ and earn the right to become a full-fledged adventurer!However, such things get hopelessly derailed when his adolescent mind beholds an exposed chest for the first time. A fateful meeting that would inevitably lead his life in a direction he never even dreamed of! Collapse Artifacts, Ruthless Protagonist, Gods, Dark, Fast Learner, Non-human Protagonist, Genius Protagonist, Protagonist NPC, Threesome, Demons, Sentient Objects, Evil Protagonist, Level System, Game Ranking System, Game Elements, Personality Changes, Rape, Schemes And Conspiracies, Beast Companions, Magic, Summoning Magic, An*l, Sword And Magic, Monsters, Skill Assimilation, Weak to Strong, Overpowered Protagonist, Politics, Fantasy Creatures, Secret Organizations, Hard-Working Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Fantasy World, Evolution, Selfish Protagonist, Perverted Protagonist, Character Growth, Lucky Protagonist, Dungeons, R-18 Pretty good, but ending was very dissapointing Quote: CalamityBringer88List of all hentai novels on Ranobes are my bro It's my pleasure f#ck what a shit soap opera this protagonist is not even human, he's more of a brainless monster that depends on the protagonist's halo to survive". List of all hentai novels on Ranobes Lets give it shot.. This novel got a bit too wild for me. Some of you degenerates might like it, though. Yeah we like large chests treasure chests ? This is an absurd comedy, don't expect romance or tactfully done sex scenes. It's an interesting concept but the rapid tonal shifts from uncaring monster to goofy redditor humor to the insane rape ero is jarring to say the least.I could do without literally all of the ero rape masochism crap and the God of MonkeyCheeseLOL - Fizzy is also not funny despite the attempt to make her so.Minus the "humor" this is 5/5 - with the humor it's a generous 3/5 Why so many people dislike large chests?Well, there are some problems like what the guy with the rewiew earlier mentioned but its actually not bad. One of the most original novels + it's in English so there cannot be "bad translation" I don't usually give much importance to NTR or Erotic novels, that's why I read this novel or novels like [Everything will be my way! (Good novel and much NTR and rape)] But there are people who don't like these things and would be willing to leave a good story if it contains NTR or Futa.By the way, I prefer quality chests to large ones. Is it futa? de-depends??