KLRXO Stories

Chapter 12: BSTC_1

Chapter 12: BSTC_1

by klrxo

Todd sat next to his Mom Vicky on the plane, peering over at her gorgeous tan legs, crossed and half exposed beneath her skirt. They looked silky smooth and tapered down to slender ankles and cute little bare feet with pink painted toenails. Vicky dangled one of her four-and-a half inch heeled sandals from her toes.

As the plane trembled from turbulence, Todd's eyes were drawn elsewhere. The large swell of tit -flesh beneath her cashmere sweater seemed to quiver each time the plane shook. After a few minutes of breast-gazing he felt a gentle squeeze on his hand.

He looked up into the sexy brown eyes of his Mom, as she rested her head on the cushioned seat-back. Todd couldn't help but wonder how long she'd been awake and if she knew he was staring at her body.

"How are you doing?" she asked sweetly.

"Good, I was just thinking though. You told dad we were going to stay with Aunt Jen for a week, right?"


"I thought Aunt Jen lived in Arizona. Why are we on a flight going to Florida?" Todd asked.

She smiled at him, showing her perfect white teeth. Vicky was a gorgeous 38 year old. Her girlfriends all told her she looked like the soap actress Nadia Bjorlin, but with much larger breasts. "I don't like being dishonest with your Father, but this is a trip that he should probably know as little as possible about."

"Why? Are we getting something for him in Florida?" Todd asked.

Vicky giggled. "No, nothing like that."

"What then?"

She smiled, as if wanting to keep a secret for a little longer. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, Mom," he answered.

"Then just sit back, relax and enjoy yourself. This trip will have a few surprises, but ones I'm sure you'll like a lot," Vicky said.

They landed at the airport and after stepping from the gate, were greeted by a mid-twenties woman in business attire. She looked like the actress Emma Stone, with shoulder length brown hair and a fair complexion. "Mrs. Fletcher?" the women asked.

"Yes, I'm Vicky Fletcher," the Mother answered.

"Hi, I'm Monique, I'm with BSTC," she said with a friendly smile.

"Hi Monique," Vicky smiled.

"You must be Todd," the pretty girl asked.

"Um, yeah, hi," Todd said, extending a hand for a shake.

Monique giggled and shook his hand. "Pleased to meet you. If you both follow me, we'll join the other couples and board the plane to the island," she said.

Vicky held her son's hand as they followed Monique down a small terminal. He took a second to admire Monique's succulent ass. Her pant-suit fit snug around her buns, which moved in a sexy sway as she walked. Both her and his mom had on dainty heels, which CLICKED on the hard floor as the stepped down the terminal.

Todd looked over at his mom. "So we're flying to an island?"

"A small private island, yes."

"Ok, so...what does BSTC stand for?" he asked.

Monique looked back and her and Vicky shared a giggle. "You have to be patient. You're trusting me on this one, remember?" Vicky said.

"Yeah, I guess so, but you know I hate surprises."

"This one I think you'll like," Vicky said, with a little smile.

Monique led them down a stairway and out onto the tarmac. A small private jet was waiting and they boarded.

Inside the plane, a middle-aged blonde stood up and rushed towards them. "Vicky!" She exclaimed.

"Hey!" Vicky said excitedly as they hugged.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it," the woman said.

"I know, what are the odds. Sweetie, you remember Michelle, our old neighbor?" Vicky asked her son.

"Of course, it's only been a couple years, Mom." Todd said.

Michelle smiled, looking him up and down. "Well, haven't you become the handsome one."

"I bet I can still beat his ass, though," came another boys voice from several rows back. "Jeff! Holy shit, you're here too?" Todd said with surprise as he spotted his friend. "What's up, dude?" Jeff said, flashing him the peace sign.

"Mom, can I sit with Jeff?" Todd asked Vicky.

"Of course you can, sweetheart."

"You boys don't get too rowdy back there," Michelle joked, watching Todd join her son in the back row.

The two women sat next to each other and buckled their seat-belts. "This is too awesome," Michelle said, squeezing her friend's hand.

"I know, I had to do a double-take. I was like, holy shit, it's Michelle?" Vicky said, making them both giggle.

"How did you hear about the BSTC program?" Michelle asked.

"My sister Beth took her son last summer. Had nothing but positive things to say about it."

"I've been hearing good things too. Are you nervous about how Todd will react?" Michelle asked.

"Yes, but I checked off every box on the questionnaire that BSTC sent, so I guess I shouldn't be too worried."

"I was able to check off all but one box. I've never found any of my panties in Jeff's room, but that doesn't mean he doesn't take them," Michelle said.

"I wouldn't worry. They say even if seventy-five percent of the boxes are checked, our Sons will likely respond favorably to us being in the program with them," Vicky said.

"I hope so. I think it'll be so good for both the boys."

At the back of the plane, Jeff and Todd got reacquainted. "Dude, how fucking lucky are we, man?" Jeff said.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Our Moms a both grade-A MILFS, dude. And all that experience. They probably

fuck like porn stars," Jeff said.

"Hold on, what..."

"And those fucking tits. They both have huge racks and by tomorrow morning we'll be watching 'em bounce, baby," Jeff said excitedly.

"Wait a sec, what are you talking about, dude?" Todd asked, with a stumped look on his face.

"BSTC, baby. We're about to become momma's boys!" Jeff said.

"Wait, what the hell is this BSTC? That lady Monique mentioned it earlier."

"Are you serious, you don't know?" Jeff asked.

Todd shook his head, still clearly baffled. "No, my mom wouldn't tell me."

"Well, neither would mine, but I have a friend who was out here a few months ago with his mom and he told me all about it," Jeff said.

"So what is it?"

"BSTC...Boys Sexual Training Camp. It's a place moms take their sons to teach 'em how to fuck," Jeff explained.

"Wait, what? Are you serious?" Todd asked.

"I swear to God, dude. It's like a week long training coarse. My friend said he fucked his mom like a hundred times while he was there," Jeff said.

"Are you sure? You're not just fucking with me, are you," Todd muttered with a little smirk.

"Look around the plane, man. There's only guys our age a bunch of middle-aged moms. Dude the stories he told me about this place, you wouldn't fucking believe," Jeff said.

Todd's sat there in disbelief. He thought about all the times he had beat off while thinking about his mom's tits, smelling her panties and wondering what it would be like to have her strong legs wrapped around him. Was his biggest dream about to become a reality?

Michelle and Vicky continued to chat.

"This past week has been crazy. I took Casey and the baby to my sister's. Had a hair and nail appointment yesterday, and had to see my physician. What are you doing for birth control? I decided on the Depo-Provera shot," Michelle said.

"Birth control? What birth control?" Vicky said with a smirk.

"Are you fucking serious, Vicky Fletcher? No birth control?"

"Nope. Guess I'm taking my chances in the shooting gallery," she said, making her friend giggle.

"If you come home pregnant, Bruce is gonna kill you," Michelle said.

"It's only a week, he'd never even realize it happened while I was away. Besides, I don't think I'm ovulating this week anyway."

"I heard Stacey Martin got pregnant at BSTC."

Vicky's mouth fell open. "You're kidding. The twins?"

"Yup, her son pumped two babies into her. Of course her husband would never figure out their not his, same DNA and everything."

"True, hey speaking of husbands...how did you guys sneak away from John for a week?" Vicky asked.

Michelle exaggerated some excitement. "You didn't here?? I won a seven-day white-water rafting trip. And oh darn, John couldn't go because it was on such short notice, but Jeff was willing to join me," she said, then looked at her smart watch, "in fact, we should be landing in Colorado right about now."

Vicky laughed. "Very smooth. Well Todd and I are heading that direction also. My sister's place in Arizona," Vicky said.

"Give it up for us, moms. We know how to fabricate a convincing story," Michelle, high-fiving her friend. "But if our husbands find out we're running around naked on a tropical island this week, we both might be single," she said.

"Or dead," Vicky added, making them both giggle.

After landing on the tiny paved landing strip, the group was taken by luxury bus to a remote area on the island. Todd and Vicky sat side by side, looking out at the lush terrain as they winded through the jungle.

"It's so beautiful here," Vicky said, squeezing his hand.

"Sure is, wherever here is."

"You'll see very soon," Vicky said with a giggle.

They arrived at a garage-like structure. Monique, who drove the bus, entered a key code and the door opened. Once inside, she drove them down into a large underground entrance.

The moms and sons saw a big pink lighted sign above the entrance doors. It read: "Welcome to Boy's Sexual Training Camp."

As they stepped from the bus, Monique directed them inside. The large elegant foyer had several benches for seating. They faced a series of giant monitors built in to the wall. "The monitors read: "BSTC - passion, skills, confidence."

The were ten mother and son couples. Monique stepped inside the foyer. "Please, make yourselves comfortable and enjoy this short video introduction," she said.

Vicky and Todd sat side by side on the bench, as did the other couples. She held his hand on her lap as the video started.

After a musical introduction with their flashy logo, they showed a pristine beach and a woman narrator's voice came on.

"Welcome to Boy's Sexual Training Camp. Our luxurious training center offers the utmost in comfort and privacy. Our underground facility is tucked along the tranquil Cupid's Beach, on our privately-owned tropical island. We at BSTC pride ourselves in being completely cut off from the rest of the world..."

The video passed over a row of cabanas along the white sands on the fringe of the lush jungle.

"This type of discreet environment provides the perfect location for a sexual education like no other."

The next part of the video showed a bikini-clad mother and her son holding hands as they strolled down the beach.

"Boys, your mothers have brought you here to be properly instructed in the ways of sexual intercourse. They are here to take the BSTC journey with you. Along with our certified instructor, your mothers will guide you, in skill and in practice, drawing upon their years of experience to make you the best lovers you can be."

The video cut to the same mother and son in a luxurious room as mom led her son towards the bed.

"Boys, the decision is yours. If you chose not to be a part of this seven-day, sexual training program, the bus will transport you and your mother back to the airport. Please take a few minutes now to make your final decision, and if you do choose to stay, we hope you enjoy your time with us at Boy's Sexual Training Camp."

The video ended with the same musical tune and logo as when it began.

Vicky smiled at her son. "Surprised?" she asked.

"Yeah," Todd said, blushing a bit.

"If you do think it's not for you, I would completely respect that. We could go back home and forget any of this ever happened," she said, then squeezed his hand. "But if you wanna give it a go, I promise I'll give it my all."

Todd thought about it for a moment, even though he didn't need to. "I wanna do it," he said.

Vicky got a big smile. They stood up and hugged. "I was hoping you'd say that," she said, pulling him against her big spongy jugs.

When none of the couples left, Monique seemed pleased. "Glad you all have chosen to stay. You can leave your luggage here. It will be stored until your departure. Everything you need during your stay will be provided in-house."

Monique began handing out personal baggies. "Please place all cellphones and other personal belongings, such as bracelets, watches or necklaces in these personal bags. They will be placed with your luggage for safe-keeping."

The couples began to strip off these various items and bag them up.

"You'll soon be changing into BSTC attire. Mothers, the only personal item that we allow you keep on is your wedding rings."

Her words were a striking reminder to each of the ten mothers that they were about to secretly break their wedding vows.

Vicky glanced down at the big diamond ring on her finger, then quickly shook the thought of her husband from her head and smiled over at her son.

"You ready for this?" she asked.

"Definitely," Todd muttered.

"The boys will to go the left...Mothers to the right please," Monique said, pointing down each corridor.

"See you in a little while, sweetie." Vicky said as she walked off with the other nine moms, the CLICKS of their dainty heels amplifying down the corridor.

Todd and Jeff walked together with other boys down a long hallway. "Here we go boys," Jeff said excitedly as they went through the doors at the end of the hall.

It was like a fancy locker room. The boys each discovered a wardrobe with their name on it. "Damn, VIP treatment, dude," Jeff said.

"Right. I wonder what we get to wear?" Todd said.

Monique stepped into the room. "You have a half-hour until I return, boys. Get showered and into your briefs and matching tops." she said, then walked out.

It was thirty minutes of excited horseplay as the boys prepared for what was to come. They all wore the same attire, white jockey briefs and form-fitting white t-shirts.

After they were all prepared, the doors opened back up and Monique appeared, dressed in only a long sheer white evening dress and matching high-heeled mules.

"Daaamn," Jeff muttered, as all the boys stared at her big tits, clearly on display through the fabric.

"Boys, you are about to enter the hall of the Goddess. It is there you will be instructed in the ways of sexual intercourse," she said. "We ask that you conduct yourself as you would in any instructional setting...respectful and diligent in following directions. Any questions?"

The boys looked at each other, but they couldn't pry their eyes off her curvy body very long.

"Follow me," Monique said, starting down the hallway.

The ten teens followed the gorgeous hostess down the hallway. The place had an elegant resort-type feel, with lots of rustic stone pillars and huge tropical arrangements.

The boys mostly kept their eyes glued to Monique's meaty ass-cheeks as they swayed seductively beneath the almost transparent gown.

"Look at the way her ass is jiggling, dude. Fuck!" Jeff whispered to Todd as they walked side by side.

A big set of double-doors opened into a large spacious room with a row of ten big white leather lounge-chairs. The room was warmly lit and the soft beat of R&B instrumental background music could be heard overhead.

On the far side of the room, the ten moms were grouped together chatting, like a cluster of horny girls at a school dance. Their eyes were drawn to the boys as they walked in.

"Holy shit," one boy muttered as he caught site of the moms.

The boys were nearly floored at the sight across the room. The moms outfits all matched also and each of them was wearing a white silk peek-a-boo baby doll and matching bikini panties. All their feet were arched in sexy white mules with six-inch stiletto heels. The dainty heels had just a thin white strap, crossing their feet, just above their pretty painted toes.

"Damn look at that lingerie they're wearing," another teen said out loud.

The boys could hear the moms whispering amongst themselves as the doors closed behind them. Todd's eyes found Vicky and took a second to admire her from head to toe. She looked absolutely stunning. He knew she had big tits, but seeing her in something like this made him realize just how massive her jugs were. Vicky was whispering something to Michelle as they looked their sons up and down. Then, the mother gave Todd a cute little wave.

As Todd waved back, Jeff stepped up beside him. "Dude, I have a feeling this is gonna be the best fucking week of our lives," he muttered.

"I'm starting to think you're right."

Monique stepped between the two groups, her heels clicking. "Mothers, will you please find your student and lead him to his seat."

Todd just stood there, mouth agape, as Vicky strode towards him. She moved gracefully, her strong tan mature legs moving in a sexy fluid manner. Her pretty feet were propped so high it looked like she was floating on the tips of her toes. He could see the bulging twin mounds of tit-meat trembling like jello as it oozed out the top of her baby-doll.

"Well, don't you look handsome," she said with a perfect smile.

He could tell she had spent some time on her hair and make-up and he could smell her sweet perfume. "You look amazing, mom," he muttered.

She paused in a sexy pose, with her hands on her hips and a smooth leg slightly bent at the knee, cocked out in front of her. "Not too bad for an old married mom of three, huh?"

She reached out and took his hand. "Come on," she whispered.

Vicky led her son over to their leather lounge-seat and he followed what the other boys were doing by sitting down on it. Vicky, like the other moms, turned and sat down in the seat between her son's legs. She reclined, so that she was resting her back against his chest.

Vicky took her son's hands and brought them around, holding them against the smooth skin of her tummy. Todd's cock was already hard and flexed against her ass, which was now pressed right up against it.

"Well, isn't this a beautiful sight," said a strong female voice with a British accent.

A tall gorgeous matronly figure entered the room. She had short jet-black hair and was completely naked, except for her white six-inch spiked-heeled mules. She carried a white whip-stick as she strutted across the room confidently.

"Ten young men eager to impress," she said.

As she strode past them, several of the boys gasped as they watched her huge firm alabaster tits tremble from each step.

"And ten mums eager TO BE impressed," she said, winking at Vicky, who smiled back.

The woman stopped and surveyed the group as she spoke. "I am the Goddess...and with the help of your mothers, will be instructing each of you in the skill of sexual intercourse. I can see in your faces that some of you are timid. Don't be. There is no place for shyness here. You, your mothers, all of us are sexual animals, made to rut and extract pleasure from our naked bodies. BSTC is a safe place for doing just that. At home, she is the comforter, the nurturer, the disciplinarian, the wife. Here, you will see her in a whole new way. Here you will see your mother as a sexual animal."

Todd felt his Mom squeeze his hands tightly. His breath was heavy. He was so anxious and turned on he could hardly stand it.

The Goddess continued her introduction. "You may not all be virgins, but none of you have what it takes to please the woman who sits between your legs. These mothers have been fucked thousands of times, in every position imaginable. They are masters in the art of lovemaking, and they expect nothing less from their sexual partners."

She began pacing again, tapping her whip-stick on her leg.

"Who better then to assist in teaching you the ways of sex. And while some of you will just make progress, a few of you will become what I call 'cocksmen.' It is the cocksman who can pleasure an army

of experienced mothers," she explained. "What about it, mums...do any of you have a potential cocksman sitting behind you?"

Many of the women giggled. Vicky patted her son's hand and glanced back at him with a smile. "Yep," she said softly.

Todd's heart about jumped out of his chest. After something like that, how could he dare let his mom down.

"Let's move then to our first exercise. We call this the icebreaker. I need both Moms and Sons to stand up and face each other," the Goddess said.

As Vicky stood, Todd got a good look at her big meaty ass, the cheeks of which were spilling out from under the hem of her bikini panties.

"Mums, I want you to wrap your arms around your student's neck and rest your tits against his chest," the Goddess instructed.

Vicky coiled her arms around Todd's neck and pulled herself in. He sighed as he felt her soft jugs flatten against his chest. He could even feel her hard nipples through the thin fabric. His body literally shuttered as she gazed up at him with those sparkling brown eyes.

The Goddess smiled. "I'm seeing lots of erections already. That's a very good sign," she said, making the moms giggle.

"Boys, rest your hands on your mother's hips," the Goddess continued.

All of the ten boys were now embracing their moms, ready for further instruction. "Can you feel how wide and strong her hips are?" the Goddess asked.

All the boys nodded. Some muttered "yes."

"Imagine the powerful gears that drive an engine. A woman's sexual engine is driven by her hips. The strength that they contain is powerful," the Goddess said.

Todd gripped his mother's hips, looking in her eyes as the Goddess continued. "This power allows her to roll and grind her pelvis, which is an integral part of the sexual dance during intercourse."

The Goddess stopped pacing. "Boys, to break the ice and demonstrate the power of a mother's hips, I would like to you to lead her back to your seat, turn her around and pull her back on to your lap."

Todd did as he was told. He sighed as he felt her soft meaty ass smother the bulge of his hard meat.

"Mothers, using your strong hips, I would like you to grind your ass on your son's lap. We'll provide a little beat for you to move to," the Goddess said.

The music started and the Goddess watched the mothers begin to move to the beat. "Ironically, this is the instrumental version of a song called 'Rock Steady.' So...rock your asses steadily, mums," she said.

Vicky used her hips to grind her ass to the beat of the music. Todd's tubular bulge pressed between her meaty mommy-buns, rubbing against the puckered lips of her butthole.

Several of the moms threw their arms in the air, while steadily swiveling their hips, as if doing a dance. "Wooooo!" one of them shouted.

A bunch of moms giggled, including Vicky and Michelle. "Woooo!" Michelle shrieked, throwing up her arms, while grinding her big ass on Jeff's lap.

An African-America mom named Lakisha giggled at Michelle. "Daaamn, go girl," she said, grinding her own butt on her son.

Nearly all the moms sung the chorus as they gyrated their ass on their son's cock. "Rock... steady! Steady rocking all night long," they sang.

Vicky peeked back at her son and sang the next part with the other moms. "Rock, steady. Rockin' 'til the break of dawn," she sang, then all the mothers erupted in a cheer.

"Are we all grinding on erections, ladies?" the Goddess asked.

"Yes!" came the excited reply from the whole group. Todd felt his mom squeeze his cock with her ass-cheeks as she responded.

"Good, then let's move on to our first physical exercise. Mums, I want you to straddle your student," The Goddess instructed.

Vicky stood up, then turned and crawled onto him. Like the other moms, she straddled her son's loins, so her knees rested on the lounge to either side of him.

Todd let out a little sigh as he felt the weight of his mom's body against him. He could feel the heat of her genitals through both layers of fabric. Her massive breasts were inches from his face, straining to bust through the top of the gown.

He stared at her tits for a moment, marveling at their immense size. Then, he looked up at her and Vicky gave him a teasing wink.

Once they were all in position, the Goddess continued. "One of the fundamentals of proper sexual intercourse is the kiss. No one has more experience with kissing than woman on top of you. Let her guide you as you spend the next half-hour making out," she said, as the light in the hall suddenly dimmed and the slow soft beat of R&B music filled the room.

Vicky draped her arms over Todd's shoulders and gave him a quick peck on the lips. The teen's heart was beating so fast he couldn't believe it.

"Here we go...Are you ready?" she whispered.

"Yeah," he muttered.

Vicky tilted her head slightly to the side as her lips slowly moved back towards his. She started by giving her son a few slow soft sensual kisses, but it wasn't long before her tongue was touching his and they lightly fluttered together.

Todd had plenty of experience kissing girls, but nothing in the world could prepare him for the kissing skills of his mom. From the moment their tongues met, hers began to lash in circles around his. Her

arms tightened around his neck, her spongy breasts crushed against his chest and the pressure of her warm pubis against his bone-hard erection intensified.

Soon they were making out like a horny young couple. Todd's heart was pounding in his chest as his mom's tongue danced with his. He was amazed at how her long pink snake could twist and roll one minute and then flutter wildly the next. To say it was a thrilling, surreal moment would put it lightly.

"Mmmnn," she moaned, making her son's cock flex against her vulva.

Vicky pushed back, squashing her engorged clitoris against his fat knob. This caused Todd to thrust upward and soon they were grinding against one another in a nice steady dry hump.

The Goddess stepped over beside them and watched. She could see their tongues wrestling inside Todd's open mouth. "That's really good, love. Whip your tongue right back at her. Keep it in constant motion," she said to Todd.

The Goddess moved on to Jeff and Michelle. Vicky broke the kiss, licked and sucked on her son's neck. "Ohhh, wow, his voice quivered.

Todd looked over at the boy next to him named Dex. Dex was also getting his neck licked by a big breasted Mother, who had short blonde hair. Her name was Morgan. The two boys smiled at one another, knowing just what the other was going through.

The room was filled with moans of ten grown women passionately making out with their Sons, each one of their matronly pussies grinding against a teenage erection.

A few times, Todd had to pinch himself. He simply couldn't believe that the woman on top of him was his own loving mom. He was seeing a side of her that he'd never seen before and he was absolutely loving it.

The half-hour passed like a dream. The lights finally came back up and after a couple more sensual pecks, Vicky lifted her face from Todd's.

"You did well," she softly whispered, feeding him a big gleaming smile, "Really well."


"Mothers will now group together by the side doorway," the Goddess said.

Todd watched his mom rise from his body and onto her feet. His boner twitched as her big breasts bobbled heavily beneath the thin covering.

"The boys will stand and slip their erections through the flies of their briefs. Each erection will be measured in preparation for our next exercise," the Goddess explained.

Todd stood up and nervously fished his big boner out of the slit in his briefs. The other nine boys did the same and could hear the moms whispering in the corner.

He glanced over at Vicky and saw her staring at his boner as it stuck out at an upward angle. Starting with the boy on the end, Monique knelt down and measured his bobbing erection. "Seven and one quarter inches," she announced.

The chatter among the moms intensified as they heard the announcement.

Monique moved to the next boy, Dex, and took a measurement. "Eight and a half inches," she said.

There were a few gasps from the moms and an excited little giggle. "Oh my God," came the voice of the boy's beautiful mother, Morgan. "So big."

"Eight and a quarter inches," was the next announcement.

Lakisha, his mother, smiled proudly. "That's my baby," she said.

Vicky whispered to Michelle as they watched the measuring. "How big do you think our boys are?"

"Jeff has to be pushing nine inches," Michelle said, staring at her son's hard cock.

Monique moved next to Jeff, who was to the left of Todd. She knelt down and ran the tape along the length of his fuck-pole. "Nine inches," Monique said.

Jeff smiled proudly as he heard the group of MILFs gasp and giggle.

"I was right," Michelle said, giving Vicky a high five. "Ok, what about Todd? Ten inches maybe?" she asked.

Vicky stared at her son's big pointing boner. "I'm gonna say closer to eleven."

Next Monique came to Todd and knelt in front of him, staring down the barrel of his long veiny cannon. She peeked up and gave him a naughty little smile, then rolled the tape down the top of his shaft and up over the tapered knob.

"Ten and three-quarter inches," she announced.

Todd heard the room fill with gasps. Vicky turned to her friend with a big wicked smile. "HA!" she said teasingly.

"Damn, girl what are feeding that boy?" Lakisha said to Vicky, making her and Michelle laugh.

The rest of the boys were measured, but none even came close to the length of Todd's prick. The Goddess strode towards him, her tits jiggling heavily on her chest. Her eyes traveled up and down his teenage frame.

"Congratulations, you're the largest of the group. That makes you the alpha-male. This week, you will be group leader among the boys. Your mother will be group leader among the women," the Goddess said.

One of the side doors opened.

"Monique will now lead you boys to the chamber of the holes for our next exercise," the Goddess said.

The boys followed Monique down the hallway and into a long narrow room. On one side of the room, right against the wall, were ten saddle-like seats. Above each seat hung a pair of virtual reality goggles.

"Listen carefully boys. You will each find your saddle and will position yourselves facing the wall. You will then slide your erections and your balls through the hole in the saddle and await further instruction," Monique said.

"Dude, I can't be sure, but I think this is like a glory hole situation they got going here," Jeff said. "I guess we'll find out."

Todd found the seat with his name and did as he was instructed. The hole looked like a black doughnut and was just big enough for Todd to squeeze his cock and scrotum into. He felt nothing but open air on the other side and the spongy opening now rested flat against his pubic bone as he leaned forward.

"Above you, you will see headphones and goggles. You can now put them on," Monique said.

In the next room over, the Mothers followed the Goddess into another narrow chamber. Along the wall, at waist level, ten hard cocks eagerly waited.

"The boys are positioned the same way they were in the hall of the Goddess. Find your student and kneel at his phallus," the Goddess said.

Vicky and Michelle walked over and found their boy's cock's.

"Well even if Todd's is almost two inches bigger, they're both beautiful," Michelle said.

"I won't argue with that," Vicky said, lustfully eyeballing both slabs of meat as they stuck out as straight as arrows from the holes.

Both moms slipped off their heels and knelt onto the soft mats against the wall. Vicky was now face to face with her son's massive erection. She could see a bead of precum forming on his piss-slit. The mother wet her lips with her tongue and smiled with pride as she looked at the big dangling balls hanging heavily below.

"Oh my God, their balls look so full," she said to Michelle.

"The boys must be so horny right now. Look at how big and purple their knobs are," Michelle said, hovering just below her son's juicy cock-head.

The Goddess walked behind the mothers. "For today's finally exercise, the boys will be watching those wonderful videos you sent us. While they watch, let's give them a taste of what's to come, in the form of some nice juicy head," she said.

In the next room over, the lights began to dim. Todd's goggles lit up, fading into a familiar image. It was his bedroom back home. The soft beat of music began to fill his ears and he saw a tan silky-smooth leg begin to slither around the doorframe.

His heart pounded excitedly. He recognized his mom's pretty painted toes.

"This reminds me so much of the glory holes in college?" Michelle said, as both women wrapped elastics in their hair, putting their manes back in ponytails.

"I do think guys dicks have gotten bigger since then," Vicky giggled, wrapping a tiny hand around the base of her son's mammoth prick.

"I think it's safe to say that our pussies are gonna be very happy this week," Michelle said, taking hold of her own son's cock.

Vicky tilted her son's cock slightly upward and planted a slow light kiss on the underside of the engorged plumb-sized knob.

Todd sighed as he felt his mom's soft lips against his pecker. He felt her hot breath on his glans and her long nails gently scratch the tube beneath his shaft. It sent a nonverbal message, saying "mommy's here."

Through the goggles, Todd watched his mom slip teasingly into his bedroom, wearing only a skimpy black bra and panties. Her huge breasts bobbled beneath the thin bra as she sashayed towards his bed. Vicky sat on the edge of his bed and bounced her ass against the mattress a couple times, as if testing its ability to handle a hard romp. The video was obviously shot during the day, while no one else was home.

In the next room, Vicky gave her son's prick a few slow strokes, feeling the thick pulsing meat in her hand. "Jesus," she muttered, in awe of it's length and girth.

"God I love big dicks," Michelle confessed, making Vicky giggle, "I'm sorry, but I do. John is no where near this size."

Vicky marveled at her son's dick, still stroking the veiny column. "This thing is like two of Bruce, maybe two and a half," she said, thinking of her husband's dick size. @@novelbin@@

Vicky leaned forward and drug her tongue along the underside of her son's long thick boner. She could feel it flex and throb. Her lips curled into a naughty little grin, knowing that it was a response to not only what he was feeling, but also what he was watching on video.

The busty mother gave his rod a few more slow strokes with her circled fist, pulling the loose skin up and down the meaty shaft. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and lashed around on his big crimson knob. She swiped up a pool of precum as she licked across his piss-hole.

Todd gasped as he felt his mom's wet tongue circle his knob. Through the goggles, he watched as she fell back onto his bed, her long hair spreading out beneath her. She propped her knees back, level with her shoulders, splaying open her smooth tan thighs. The panties were so snug against her mons that Todd could clearly see the cleft of her vulva.

He heard a few groans in the room as the other boys were treated to similar videos taken in their bedrooms. As they gawked through their goggles, many were already feeling their cocks slip down their mother's throats.

Vicky rolled her tongue around the bloated knob and nursed on the tip of his pecker, bathing it in hot saliva.

Todd watched as his mom stood from the bed, with her back to the camera. Her big meaty ass was spilling out from beneath the panties. Vicky peered back at the camera teasingly as she reached around to unclasp her big bra. As it came unhooked, Todd could see the bulging contours of her boobs shift downward.

As she pulled the bra away, Todd caught a glimps of the side of one of her big slopping tits, as it wobbled free from the bra-cup.

"Holy shit," he muttered excitedly.

In the next room, Vicky's head bobbed as she sucked her son's cock in traditional blowjob fashion. Her lips were stretched obscenely around his meet as they glide up and down his thick fucker. It wasn't long before Todd was nudging the back of her throat.

Todd panted from the pleasure, while watching the recording of his mom. In the video, Vicky peeled the panties over her meaty mommy-ass giving him a little peek at naked globes of her ass and the smooth folds of her outer labia.

It cut to a different camera angle, level with Todd's bed. Vicky was now sprawled out on her tummy on the mattress , her legs bent at the knees so that her cute little feet pointed towards the ceiling and moved around playfully. She was propped up on her elbows with her chin resting on her palms. Her big milk-jugs were squashed against the mattress beneath her and bulged out at the sides. Todd marveled at how soft and squishy they looked.

The teasing mother looked straight into the camera with the sexiest look Todd had ever seen. She rolled her tongue across her top row of teeth teasingly.

Seeing this made Todd's cock let out a mighty throb. A small stream of bubbling precum oozed onto Vicky's tongue. As she swallowed her son's offering, she sucked hard on his boner, nursing more pre-orgasmic syrup from his piss-hole.

Some boys groaned as they felt their cocks get the royal treatment. Through each of their goggles, they watched a nearly-naked mom in their bedroom, teasing them with their bodies.

The mom's room was filled with the sound of lewd gurgling slurps as ten middle-aged beauties eagerly fed on teenage cock. The row of ten heads bobbed back and forth, sucking with gusto.

Vicky relaxed her gullet, slipping Todd's cock-head deep into her throat, until finally her lips rested against the base of his shaft.

Todd's eyes rolled back as he felt the sensation of being balls deep. No other girl had ever been able to do that.

On the video, Vicky rolled onto her back, pulling the blanket over her, so she remained half-covered. As she squirmed around like a horny young girl, Todd caught glimpses of his mom's wobbling tit-meat as she half-attempted to keep her boobs covered. The entire time, Vicky stared into the camera feeding her watchful son a naughty smile.

Moms had been sucking cock for nearly a half-hour now and most of them at this point had fallen into a steady rhythm.

"Gnnffff," some moms gurgled.

"Guhh, guhh, guhh, guhh," came the sound of others as they plunged their throats with hard cock.

There was a choir of whimpers, as ten pretty heads bobbed up and back, a mix of semen and saliva trickling from their mouths.

From the next room, came a few grunting cries as one by one the boys began to pop.

Todd's body quivered as he let out little whimpers of pleasure. Vicky was really working his dick now, sloppily fucking it with her mouth.

The boy next to him cried out and threw his head back as his cock began to erupt.

In the video, the camera was now on the bed with his mom. Vicky was on her hands and knees leaning over and looking down into it through her big silky curtain of dark hair. She held the blanket loosely against her breasts, so that only a quarter of them were covered, exposing the deepest, darkest cleavage Todd had ever seen.

He gazed in his mother's eyes as he felt his balls tighten and raging torrent of jizz blast from his penis in big pulsing ropes.

Vicky stayed with her baby, sucking him hard and swallowing and his hot load as it poured down her throat. His cock quivered and lurched for over a minute as her circled lips glided along his pole. Her experienced lips and tongue pulled at his meat, extracting it's thick potent offering.

"Damn that was a lot of cum," Vicky said, looking over at Michelle as she caught her breath. "Mmm, fucking yummy too," Michelle said, licking her lips.

The boys and moms were exiting the rooms about the same time. Vicky and Michelle teasingly stepped up to their sons. "How were those videos, boys?" Michelle asked.

"Flippin' awesome," Jeff said with a satisfied smile.

Vicky put her hands on her son's shoulders. She looked so sexy standing their in nothing but a skimpy baby doll nightie and bare feet. "I take it the blowjobs were pretty good too," she asked.

"Ohhh, yeah," Todd muttered.

"I guess dinner is next, which is good because I'm fucking starving," Jeff said.

Michelle glared at him. "Jeffery, watch your mouth," she said.

"Ha, really, mom? We're standing here almost naked and you just blew me. I really can't say fuck?"

"No, you can't and don't be a smartass," she said.

Vicky giggled. "See you at dinner, boys."

Vicky gave her teen a cute little wave as the moms walked away.

The boys hit the showers. They laughed and joked in disbelief as they reflected on their first day of sexual training.

Dinner was formal. There were two big tables with five couples at each one. An all-female staff waited on the mothers and sons, serving up a scrumptious meal. The groups talked and laughed, mostly sharing embarrassing stories about the boys when they were younger.

Afterwards, the couples walked along the beach. Vicky looked stunning, wearing a long white evening dress with a plunging neckline. Todd could hardly take his eyes off her exposed cleavage.

She carried her heels as they walked barefoot through the sand. "I called your father earlier. We're allowed to use our cellphones once a day, so our spouses don't get worried or suspicious."

"Oh, what did you tell him?" Todd asked.

"That we're having a great time in Arizona," she said, making them both giggle.

"Good thing he didn't ask you for a picture of the desert," Todd said.

Vicky laughed. "Right. I don't like to keep things from him, but somehow I don't think he'd like the idea of us being here," she said.

"No, probably not."

"You learning about sex, I don't think he'd have a problem with. Me, letting you use my body to practice on is the part he wouldn't like."

They returned to the back entrance and shared a typical mother/son kiss goodnight.


The boys were all prepared in their white briefs and snug tops when Monique arrived, wearing a similar sexy gown as the day before. They followed her down the corridor and into the meal hall.

The moms were scattered about the hall, talking and giggling with one another like girls in a sorority. They whispered and giggled some more as they watched the boys enter.

Todd and Jeff found their moms chatting in the corner with another mom named Morgan. All the moms were now wearing lace-up hip-hugger panties and a thin cami top that accentuated the enormity of their breasts. Their feet were adorned in high heeled mules.

"Here comes trouble," Michelle joked as the ladies turned towards the boys.

"With a capital T," Jeff said.

"Hey, handsome, sleep well?" Vicky asked lovingly as her son walked up to her.

"Yeah, not bad," He said, trying not to stare at the huge canyon of exposed cleavage.

"This is Morgan. Her son is...Dex, right?" Vicky asked her.

"Uh-huh," Morgan said, sharing a pretty smile.

"Yeah, I met him. He's really cool."

"You boys should get some breakfast...and FYI, the blueberry muffins are divine," Michelle said.

"Lets eat," Jeff said, starting towards the buffet.

"See ya, ladies," Todd said, following his friend.

"Bye, sweetie," Vicky said, giving him a cute little wave.

Michelle stepped up beside the other two women. "They're so fucking adorable," she said. Vicky smiled. "Must take after their moms," she said.

Morgan laughed. "Todd must have the girls tearing down your door to get at him, Vicky. He is gorgeous," she said.

"Thanks. He has a few that are trying to lure him in," Vicky said.

"Bet they'd be jealous if they saw what you got to do yesterday," Moran said.

"Right," Michelle giggled. "Do you think we're sucking their dicks again today?" Michelle asked. Vicky fed her a mischievous smile. "Are you hoping we'll suck their dicks again today?"

"I'm not gonna lie," Michelle smiled. "Yes I am hoping," she said, making the women laugh.

"Ok, so I'm not alone then," Morgan said.

Todd got his breakfast, then sat with a group of boys and ate . Every time he looked over at his mom, her and the other two women would be looking back at him. Hell only knows what they were whispering to one another as they looked him up and down.

"I told you this place was gonna be cool," Jeff said.

"Yeah, you were right about that."

"Never in my wildest dreams did I think my mom could suck cock like she did yesterday," Jeff said, chomping on a mouthful of food.

A few minutes later, the moms were ushered out of the meal hall. The boys stared with lust. The moms were all wearing lace-up hip hugger panties and nearly half the cracks of their meaty asses could be seen through the laces as they strode away.

"Holy shit dude, that's fucking hot," Jeff said, as he watched the hot asses jiggle and sway. "Sure is," Todd muttered, watching Vicky's half-exposed buttocks undulate with each graceful step.

About fifteen minutes later, Monique came for the remaining group. "Ready, boys?" she asked.

The horny teens trailed her down the corridor, back into the hall of the Goddess. The lights were dimmed and the mothers stood by the loungers waiting. Each of them had changed into a delicate white lace bra and matching bikini panties and their feet were arched in pairs of white glamour girl marabou sandals.

The boys mouths fell open as they gawked at their sexy moms. "Wow," Todd muttered.

The Goddess stood in front of the group. She wore the same white heels, but nothing else. "Boys, please take a standing position behind your mother," she said.

Todd and the other boys walked over and stood behind their moms. Vicky now had her hair up in a bun with cute little ringlets dangling down. The white frilly fabric against her smooth bronze skin made her look absolutely breathtaking.

"You look amazing," Todd whispered.

Vicky smiled staring straight ahead as she awaited the Goddess's next instruction. "Thank you," she whispered proudly.

"There is an art to undressing a woman and it's important that you learn it. I want each of you to reach forward and very gently unclasp your mother's bra," the Goddess said.

Todd had done this a couple times with girls at school, so this wasn't completely new to him.

The idea that this was his big breasted mother though made his cock begin to rise in his shorts. He fumbled with the clasp for a few seconds before it popped apart.

The Goddess watched to make sure each of them had it unclasped. "Now, very slowly...pull the straps off her shoulders," she said.

Todd's heart pounded with excitement as he brushed his fingers over the soft skin of his mom's shoulders.

"Now...I want you to step up closely behind her. Many of you have erections already and that's perfect. I want you to press your erection against the cheeks of her ass, while you reach around and slip the cups from her breasts," the Goddess said.

Todd's bulge struck Vicky's meaty bottom and rested between the softness of her buns. He reached around and gently uncovered her boobs. He had a birds eye view as he gazed down over her shoulder and literally gasped as her huge dangling jugs became exposed.

Vicky peeked at her son and gave him a cute little mommy-smile. She could tell he was extremely aroused.

"I want each of you to reach around now and cup your mother's breasts," the Goddess said.

Todd nervously brought his hands up and lifted Vicky's heavy boobs from her chest. He could feel the spongy flesh literally oozing through his fingers.

"Now boys, gently squeeze them and feel how soft they are," the Goddess said.

Vicky thrust her chest out a little slightly tilting her head back as her son began to squeeze on her big spongy tits. She could feel his cock pulse excitedly against her ass.

"Feel her nipples and areola...pinch them between your fingers. Feel how thick and hard they're getting," The Goddess said.

Given the size of Vicky's breasts, her areola were absolutely massive, easily as big around as an orange. Todd felt their bumpy texture between his fingers, wishing it was his mouth that was latching onto them. Her nipples were huge and engorged.

"There's no need to be gentle. A mother's tits are designed to be squeezed and pulled. Cup the undersides and let your fingers sink in deep," the Goddess said and the boys complied. "Now grip the sides and slap her tits together."

Todd squeezed the sides of his mom's boobs and smacked them both together over and over. He watched the creamy flesh ripple each time they collided.

"Now sink your hands in again. Squeeze them hard, boys, I want to see those hands buried in the flesh of her tits."

Todd worried he might be getting too rough. He looked at his mom and saw her eyes closed, mouth peeked open, making a soft pant.

"You ok?" he whispered.

Her eyes peeked open. "Perfect. You're doing wonderful, sweetie."

"Boys, step back. Mothers, turn around and remove their shirts," the Goddess said.

Todd gasped as Vicky turned towards him. Her huge tits wobbled heavily as she reached out and peeled his t-shirt off. Todd's boner tented out obscenely in his briefs.

Vicky fed him a loving smile.

"Each couple will now embrace. Mums, it is critical that during your coupling the boy feel your breasts pressed against his chests," the Goddess said.

Vicky stepped towards her son and coiled her arms around his neck. Todd placed his hands on her waist as she moved in tight, flattening her jiggling jugs against his bare chest.

"See buster, you're not the only one in this family who's well endowed," she said softly, with a flirty little smile.

"Mothers, without breaking your embrace, step out of your heels in preparation for the next exercise," the Goddess said.

Vicky slipped her sexy feet from her heels and pushed them aside. She was a few inches shorter than her son now and stared up into his bright blue eyes.

"Boys, slide your hands down and cup the cheeks of your mother's ass. On the count of three, you'll be lifting her from the floor and she'll be throwing her legs around you," the Goddess instructed.

Vicky's ass felt amazing as Todd's fingers dug into her cheeks. His heart was beating a mile a minute.

The Goddess counted out loud. "One...two...three."

Vicky used her feet to spring from the floor and gracefully wrapped her strong tan legs around her son's waist. He could feel her tits sloshing against him and his boner now dug against her panty-covered cunt.

Todd marveled at the look on his mom's face. She was like a horny teenage girl who was about to be pounded by the big-dicked football star.

"There is padded wall behind you. Carry your mother over and pin her against it," the Goddess said.

The boys did as they were instructed. Todd felt a rush of excitement as it struck him that he was pinning his own gorgeous mom against the wall. The woman who had given birth to him and coddled him growing up was now clutching onto him, nearly naked, as he held her up off the floor in the standing fuck position.

"You will now engage in another half-hour of making out. Practice makes perfect boys," the Goddess said.

Vicky didn't waste any time. Her lips dove straight for her sons and they began to kiss passionately. As their tongues rolled and danced together, Todd couldn't help but wonder if this was all just one big wet dream.

"Mmmnn," Vicky whimpered, lashing her tongue through her son's mouth.

Vicky was impressed by both her son's strength and his ability to learn fast. She could already sense his confidence as he ground his cock against her panty-covered twat.

Her silky legs were clasped tightly around him, smothering his midsection between her strong warm thighs.

Vicky kissed across his chin and down along his neck. She replaced her lips with her tongue, lashing against her son's flesh.

As his mom licked his neck, Todd looked over at Jeff and his mom. Michelle's big tits distended out, pressed against her son's chest. Like Vicky's legs, Michelle's smooth motherly legs were coiled tightly around Jeff, her ankles interlocked. Todd remembered Jeff's Mom bringing them cookies and taking them to ball practice. Now her and Jeff were making out like horny newlyweds. It all seemed so surreal.

The half-hour seemed to pass much too quickly.

"Boys, put your mother's down and follow them back over to your seats," the Goddess said. Todd's mom slipped to the floor and he followed her back over to the seat as requested. "The mothers will now sit and the boys will kneel in front of them," the Goddess instructed.

Todd couldn't peel his eyes away from Vicky's huge tits. They seemed to have a life of their own, wobbling around with her every movement.

"Gently and slowly, as you did the bra, each boy will now remove his mother's panties," the Goddess said.

Vicky lifted her butt up off the seat a little as Todd reached up and began to slide her panties down her curvy legs. His heart beat like a base drum as he gazed at her mons, which were crown by a cute little strip of pubic fuzz.

"Ladies, leaning back on the seat, I want you to throw your legs back into a spread eagle," was the Goddess's next instruction.

Vicky, along with the other moms, rested her back on the tilted seat making her tits-mounds spread out across her chest. She curled her legs up, then parted them, scissoring them apart until they were each pointing to opposite sides of the room.

Todd just knelt there with his jaw to the floor as his mom exposed her precious flower in all it's glory. He watched her labial meat slowly peel apart, revealing the opening to her fuck-hole. He smiled excitedly, having a pretty good guess as to what was coming next.

Outside, the birds chirped and the waves beat against the sand as the afternoon sun beat down upon the tropical paradise. Inside, ten middle-aged moms moaned and panted with pleasure as their well hung teenage boys ate their cunts.

Vicky had her curvy legs wrapped around Todd's head, trapping his face against her twat as he devoured her.

"Aaaaaauuuggghhh," she cried, throwing her head to one side. She arched her back from the lounger, making her big tits roll on her chest.

"Remember boys, concentrate on the clitoris. Make sure you're constantly licking and sucking it," The Goddess said.

Todd breathed through his nose as his tongue went crazy against Vicky's twat, plowing through her smooth wet folds. With his face buried between her legs, the lucky teen gazed up over the swell of her pubic bone and watched his mom's big tits wobble and jiggle as her body convulsed.

"OHHHHHH, GOD!" Her sexy voice rang out as an orgasm stuck her.

Todd felt a pulse of hot girl-cum wash over his face. This didn't slow his licking one bit.

Other moms were screaming out as they too had their cunts devoured. Soon a choir of screaming milfs filled the hall.

"Ohhh, yesss," Michelle cried out.

"Ohhhh God!" Todd heard Morgan scream.

"After a woman cums during oral sex, her cunt will become very sensitive. It'll need to recover for a few moments before it's eaten again. At this point you'll begin to lick her asshole," the Goddess said.

Todd lapped at Vicky's butthole. His nose was now buried between her labia, his face soaked with her juices. The strong feminine aroma was beginning to make his head spin.

"Now boys, using two fingers, I want you to find your mother's G-spot. It's the rough area on the roof of the vagina. Pay close attention her body and you'll know when you've found it," The Goddess said.

Todd curled two fingers into Vicky's cunt and began his search. It didn't take him long before his mom's body reacted. "Oh yesss, right there," she gasped.

The Goddess weaved between the boys, watching them perform. "As you rub the G-spot, I want each of you to go back to working her clit with your tongue. If done correctly, it won't be long before she achieves another strong orgasm," she said.

It wasn't long at all. No more than a minute after Todd began to massage her sweet-spot, Vicky's back again arched off the seat as her body began to quiver.

"OOOOHHHH, YEEEAAAHHH!!!" she screamed, her voice shaky.

With his tongue digging against her fat engorged clitoris, Todd got a big cocky smile on his face. His head rose and fell, staying with her as Vicky thrust her hips up and down.

"Ohh yesss, yessss!!" the busty Mother cried as juice squirted from her cunt-slit.

Middle-aged moms howled for several minutes as they were brought off by the developing skills of their silver-tongued sons.

"Well moms, how did they do?" the Goddess asked, once they had all settled down.

The moms giggled and sighed as they fought to catch their breath.

"Do your boys deserve a special treat?" she continued.

The women all shouted out "yes" as the boys hearts began to pound with excitement.

"Boys, how would you like to fuck those juicy jugs your mother is carrying around?" the Goddess asked.

"Yeah!" the boys shouted in unison.

"First they're going to coat their big tits with hot baby-oil," the Goddess said, as all the moms reached down and pulled a bottle of liquid from beside the lounge.

Todd watched in awe as Vicky squirted a substantial amount of baby-oil on her bobbling melons, then lathered them up with her hands.

"Mmm, they'll get them nice and slippery for your young hard dicks to slip between," the Goddess said. "Get those briefs off, mums."

Vicky quickly peeled off her son's briefs. Todd sat on the edge of the lounge and watched his mom kneel down in front of him. She plopped her big jugs onto his lap and wrapped his erection between them, smothering it in slippery tit-flesh.

"Ohhh, damn," Todd muttered, as Vicky began fuck his cock with her big tits.

Soon, all the Moms were squeezing their oiled boobs around the meat of their teen's cocks, bouncing them up and down.

Vicky watched Todd's bloated knob slip out of her cleavage, then disappear again down into a fleshy pocket of spongy tit-meat.

"Having fun, mums?" the Goddess said with a smile.

"Yesss!" Came the unified response.

Todd rested back on his elbows, watching his mom squeeze her tits up and down his cock. The beautiful mother winked at him. "Feel good?" she asked.

"Hell yess," he muttered.

"Good thing we moms have big tits," Michelle said, squeezing her huge alabaster milk-makers on her son's dick, "takes an awfully big set to smother these monsters."

One by one, the boys whimpered as their cocks shot off.

"Ohhh fuck yeah," Jeff shouted, his hips jerking as cum began to pour out between Michelle's tits.

"Uhhhh," Todd muttered, his breath shallow.

Vicky looked at him and smiled. "Come on, alpha-Male...your turn," she said, as a chorus of groaning, grunting teens filled the room.

"Here it comes," Todd muttered, his face wincing.

Hot spunk began to fire out of his piss-hole. Vicky felt it pulsing out inside her slippery cleavage. His knob peaked from her tit-cleft and sent a big rope of cum splattering up along her neck.

"Uuuugghhh!" the teen moaned, firing more and more cum between her rising and falling breasts. The Mothers used their tits to milk every drop of cum from the boys pricks.

"How was that reward, boys?" the Goddess asked.

"Awesome!" Todd shouted. The other boys laughed, as if he had answered for each of them. "Are your dicks still hard?"

Todd looked down at his bobbing erection, still glowing with baby-oil. "I know mine is," he muttered, drawing his mother's attention.

Vicky bit her bottom lip as she looked at the sturdy young dick sticking straight out.

"Hard enough for sexual intercourse?" the Goddess said.

"Hell yess!" One boy answered, making all the moms giggle.

The side doors opened. "You heard them mums. You have five minutes to hide before I release I hounds."

The Moms squealed and giggled as they scrambled out the door, their naked asses jiggled and their heavy tits jostled as they rushed down the corridor.

The Goddess smiled at the boys, eyeballing their eager cocks. "The moment of truth, boys. If you find your mum, she'll be waiting with open thighs. She wants you to spend the afternoon fucking her tight slippery cunt to near exhaustion. Do you think you're man enough?" she said.

Most of the boys muttered "yes."

"Ok then, go get it, boys. Go get some pussy," she said.

The boys scattered down different corridors, looking for their moms. It took Todd about ten minutes before he saw something hopeful in one of the rooms. It was a large hole in the wall. He couldn't see very far into it, but what he could see looked like the inside of a big latex condom.

Above the hole it read "Vicky & Todd," so he climbed inside. The soft elastic sides were slick to the touch and his body slid easily down into the mouth of the sack. Gliding to the bottom, Todd found himself in complete darkness. His body rested in a shallow pool of hot slippery liquid. "Hello?" he muttered.

A soft sexy voice cut through the darkness. "That must be my big-dicked baby boy," he heard his mom's voice say.

"Mom?" he called.

Todd was on his back and he suddenly felt a soft oily body slither up between his legs and onto his chest. He gasped as felt the spongy flesh of two huge slippery tits roll onto him.

A set of lips found his and planted a sensual kiss. "You found me," she whispered.

"Took me a bit, but yeah."

"You having fun?"

"Definitely," Todd muttered.

"And you thought this was gonna be a boring summer," Vicky whispered.

"I guess I was wrong. Why did you decide to bring me here anyway?" he asked.

With her body now on top of his, Vicky brought her lips to her son's ear.

"A few months ago, when I thought you were becoming sexually active, I told your father he should have a talk with you. Do you know what he told me?" she asked.


"He told me he didn't have time, that I should take care of it...Well, guess what?" she asked.


She flicked her tongue across his ear. "I'm taking care of it," she said.

Like a hungry animal, Vicky began to devour her son's face with sloppy kisses. Soon their lips met and their tongues began to wrestle.

"Tell me what you want, sweetie. Tell Mommy," she whispered between kisses.

"I wanna..." Todd hesitated, feeling her tongue lash at his neck.

"You wanna what?" Kiss, kiss, "Tell me," kiss, lick, lick..

"To have sex with you," he panted.

"You wanna have sex with mommy? You wanna fuck her hot wet hole?" she asked in a seductive tone.

"Oh God, yeah," Todd sighed.

"Do you wanna take me to paradise, baby?" she asked.

"I do," Todd voice quivered. He was so aroused he could hardly stand it.

"Do you wanna fuck me to the moon and back," she said seductively, then planted more kisses.

Vicky fell to the side, rolling her son up on top of her. Todd felt himself settle down between her warm slippery thighs. He felt her tiny hand clasp his cock and lick her greasy split with the bulbous cock-head. As he felt it slip into the hot fuck-socket, Todd thrust his hips, causing Vicky's velvet nest to stretch around his beefy erection.

"Oh yeeeeaaaahhhhh!" she cried out as Todd's pecker sank in to her most secret place. Todd's knob turned slightly upward as it met the spongy head of Vicky's cervix.

"Ohh man," he sighed as he felt her hot sheath tighten around his meaty cock.

"Oh, mom!" The teen groaned, his cock was so engorged with blood it felt like it was going to explode.

"Yess, sweetie...I feel you. Fuck meee!" Vicky whined.

Todd snaked his thick cock back a few inches, then thrust forward burying his meaty pecker straight to the root. Vicky responded by thrusting her pelvis upward and her son's cock stretched her uteri as her cunt swallowed every inch.

Rocking her hips, the hot mother, thrust her cunt, milking her son's oversized penis as it slipped back and forth through her clutching baby-chute.

"Oh God," Todd's young voice quivered as he rested his face in the crook in her neck.

The boy's meat slipped up and down Vicky's birth canal as she used her strong hip muscles to rock her pelvis. Precum seeped from the tip as Todd's mighty knob stretched the muscled lining of his mom's cunt.

"Ohhh yeesss," her cute little voice hissed as a hot orgasm approached.

"Oh, mom, I'm gonna...." he started.

"CUMMING!!!" she screamed as her body began to convulse.

They clung to each others hot slippery flesh, their naked bodies jerking and writhing. Vicky's huge tits sloshed between their sandwiches bodies. Her cunt squeezed and rippled around the throbbing hardon as it began to spit hot ropes.

"Uuughh!" Todd grunted as milky blasts erupted from his cunt-smothered penis.

"Yeeess!" Vicky's voice screeched as she came hard.

Her hips rocked wildly as she clutched on to her son as tight as she could, as if trying to somehow squeeze his entire body back inside her womb. Todd nearly passed out from the pleasure. His thin frame was sunk down in the clutches of her soft mature curves. He could feel her slippery pussy squirting hot girl-cum around his boner and it felt amazing.

Todd grunted as rope after rope pulsed from his baby-maker.

For two full minutes, mom and son bucked and lurched in sexual bliss as their genitals wetly smacked together.

"Oh, mom, that was...oh God," Todd sighed, out of breath.

"Mmm, you needed that didn't you, sweetie? The titties and mouth are nice, but there's nothing like a hot pussy," she said, kissing his cheek. "Especially a hot Mommy-pussy."

"Oh yeah...I'm sorry I came so quick. It just felt so good inside you," he said.

"It's okay. Your boner needed to cream...and now that it has, we'll do what we need to do to keep it hard. You just watch, in a few minutes you'll be ready to pound some more of that yummy pussy," she said.

"Uh, if you keeping talking like that I will be," Todd said.

"Oh, you like to hear mommy do naughty talk?" Vicky teased.

"Oh yeah," Todd sighed.

Vicky quickly rolled her son back over onto his back. She was now straddling him, his still-hard cock tucked inside her cunt. Her chest remained against his, her big bra-busters pancaked against him.

"You like to hear me talk about how I'm gonna smother your dick in tight slippery pussy?" she said in a sexy tone.

"Ohh, yeah," Todd muttered

"How I'm gonna fuck you silly this week and teach you to be a cocksman?" She said, then planted a series of kisses on his face and neck.

Todd's body quivered with excitement as he slid his hands back and squeezed her big meaty ass.

"Oh, man, I'm so turned on," the boy confessed.

His cock was back to full mast, flexing inside her cunt. "So am I," she whispered between kisses. "You feel so amazing, mom."

"Oh baby, it's getting big again. It wants more pussy, doesn't it, sweetheart," Vicky said. "Uh huh."

Vicky's ass began to bounce on her son, working his eleven-inch fuck-pole back into the creamy vaginal depths.

"It wants to fuck the pussy that gave birth to it," she said in a sexy tone.

She fell into a steady rhythm, using her strong hips to fuck him with long cunt-smothering thrusts.

"Ohh, shit," the teen muttered, beside himself with lust.

"You wanna feel mommy's cunt suck on your big meat and soak it with her juices," Vicky panted, licking at his neck.

"God, yess."

Todd felt like he was lost in a dream. Here he was in the pitch blackness of a oily sack, with his gorgeous middle-aged mom on top of him. He could feel her soft slippery curves, including her heavy tits plastered on his chest. He could hear her panting as she fucked his teenage cock with her sloppy cunt.

"You like that, baby? Does that feel good?" She said seductively, swiveling her hips.

"Yes," Todd sighed.

Vicky sat up, grinding their genitals. Todd could feel his engorged knob dragging back and forth across the mouth of her cervix. He sat up also, and buried his face between her wobbling breasts. Vicky

held him tight, rocking her hips as he sucked one of her areola and nipples into his mouth and began to nurse.

Her vagina clamped down tightly around his meat as Vicky's body began to convulse."Ohhh, God, I'M CUMMING!" she cried out.

She used his big blood-engorged spoon to stir her insides, her matronly hips jerking up and back violently as she spewed cum on his cock. Vicky's tits flopped wildly, beating against Todd's face.

The big dicked teen found himself being pulled down as Vicky slipped onto her back and wrapped her strong slippery legs around him.

"OHHHH! FUCK ME HARD!" she cried.

Todd thrust forward with one big ball-bumping thrust, packing his mom's pussy with cock-meat. He retracted half-way, then drove it home again, then again and again and again, falling into a steady rhythm.

"Yesss!" Vicky screamed, squirting girl-cum along his thrusting prick.

Like a battering ram, Todd's powerful erection plowed through the delicate pink walls of her cunt, pounding against the entrance to her womb. He felt her big mommy-tits jostle against him with each mighty thrust.

For ten cunt-plummeting minutes, the horny teen pounded the pussy of his dreams, before Vicky's body began to convulse.

"Ohh, yes, baby, go hard! FUCK ME HARD!!!" she cried.

Todd obliged, driving his prick in and out of her spasming cunt. Hearing his own Mom wail made his balls start to tingle.

"Ohh shit, I'm gonna cum too!" he groaned as he felt the lava rise.

Vicky was too wrapped up in her own mind-blowing orgasm to answer. She grunted through clenched teeth like some sort of demonic Goddess. Her genitals shifted, creating an intense friction against her son's burrowing meat.

"Uuugghh," Todd grunted as his cannon went off inside her.

Bucking and lurching, mom and son wrestled through their orgasms. For what seemed like an eternity their bodies jerked and trembled as they used their most private parts to please one another.

"Wow, that was amazing," Todd said, as he and Vicky basked in post-orgasmic bliss.

"It sure was," Vicky said, still catching her breath. "I know I'm just here to help you, but I'll be honest, that was some great sex," she said with a giggle.

That evening, after their showers, the boys gathered in their bunk room. Many of them were laughing and goofing around with one another.

Todd and Jeff's bunks were next to each other and they lay there chatting.

"Dude, my mom's cunt was so tight, it was insane," Jeff said.

"Yeah, fucking them in the dark, with all that hot oil was definitely a rush."

"Just wait, buddy. It gets a lot better. My friend told me the first couple days are nothing compared to what the rest of the week brings," Jeff said.

The door opened and Monique stepped into the room wearing a white cami top and booty shorts.

"Don't stay up too late, boys. You'll need to be well rested for tomorrow," she said.

"So there's no more sex tonight?" Dex asked.

"The evening exercise is only for one of you, the alpha-male. Todd, will you come with me please," Monique asked.

"You lucky fuck," Jeff said, glaring at Todd.

"What, I didn't ask for the biggest dick," Todd joked.

Todd was ushered to a room down the hallway. When he stepped inside, he gasped as he saw a semi-circle of naked matronly asses waiting for him. The ten moms knelt on a platform, with a white silky veil covering their top half, so that all the teen could see was their meaty half-globes sticking out.

"Damn," he muttered, feeling his dick rise.

Monique smiled as she backed out the doorway. "Enjoy getting your fuck on," she said.

The door closed behind him and Todd stripped out of his shorts, eye-balling the ten luscious asses pointed at him. His cock was fully hard and he couldn't help but take it in his hand and stroke to the sight of all that ass-flesh.

Like a kid in a candy store, the big-dicked teenager stepped forward into the half-circle of waiting women. He could see the smooth clamshells, peeking out from between their legs. He felt a rush of excitement knowing he was about to squeeze his dick into each one.

"Where do I even start?" he said out loud, then heard all of the mothers giggle, their buns jiggling.

At random, he chose his first mom, stepped up behind her and fed his big tapered cock-head into her creamy socket. Todd groaned as he sunk all the way to the hilt, his plump knob slipping right up against her spongy cervical head.

Grasping her soft birthing hips, the horny teen began to fuck, gliding his hard erection through her slippery sheath.

"Ohh damn," he whimpered out loud as he felt her mature cunt squeeze on his meat.

He humped for about a minute longer, staring at next ass over. The pussy lips on that Mom were fat and fleshy and the women wiggled her ass invitingly. Todd slipped his cock from one cunt. It glistened with pussy-juice. He stepped over and fed it into the next.

He heard the mom sigh as his ten inch boner slipped up her birth canal, until it finally kissed bottom. With big ball-bumping thrusts, Todd went to work. He could feel the mommy-twat flexing around him, smothering his impressive girth.

"Ahhhh," he sighed, his big juicy knob tingling deep inside her.

He looked down, watching the flesh her meaty ass ripple each time it struck his abdomen. As good as he felt, soon he was drawn to another eager cunt.

As he moved from one woman to the next, he grabbed his prick and rubbed his purple helmet between the fleshy lips of her snatch, before stretching her slippery vagina with his thick pole.

Ass after big beautiful ass beat against him as he moved around the circle. Each cunt was unique and added a different sensation to his cock as they pushed back to meet his thrusts.

Several times he would hear a voice on the other side of the curtain squeal as he made them cum with his big dick.

"Ohhhh, so good," he whimpered, hammering his hardon through the grip of a tight pussy, his big hairless scrotum swinging beneath his cunt-smothered cock.

Finally, after nearly an hour, Todd's cock began to spit big milky squirts. Mid-orgasm he pulled his cock from one cunt, sending a long rope across the room, then quickly buried it in the hot pussy of different mom, filling her vagina with his remaining cream.

After being escorted back, Todd showered, then slept like a baby that night.


The boys were awakened by the sound of giggling moms and watched as they filed into the room wearing nothing but white transparent nylon body stockings. They each carried a breakfast tray as they stepped across the room on bare feet.

Todd sat up as he watched his mom sashay towards him. The site of her nylon encased tits and the V of her nearly bald pubis sent blood rushing to his cock. He smiled to himself, knowing that it was one of the cunts he had pounded from behind the night before.

"Good morning, cutie." Vicky said, setting the tray down on the bedside stand.

"Morning," Todd muttered, drooling over her body.

"Sleep well?" she asked, leaning over and giving him a sensual peck on the lips.

"Sure did," he muttered, glancing down at her big meaty boobs stretching the nylon.

"Would you like mommy to straddle you?" she asked naughtily.


"We're not gonna fuck right now, so you be good," she teased.

"I can try."

Like the other moms, Vicky pulled the blankets back and climbed onto the bed, straddled her son and planting both knees on the mattress astride his hips.

Todd sighed as he felt the heat of her genitals. The bottom of his hard shaft sunk between the thick squishy lips of her labial meat as she rested her weight on him.

Looking straight ahead, Todd stared at her huge ballooning breasts as they pushed against the transparent fabric. Her nipples stuck out like rubbery marshmallows of flesh.

The mother looked down at him, watching him stare in awe. "Think I could get away with wearing something like this at home?"

"Probably not," Todd laughed.

Vicky began to spoon feed him, as the other moms were doing to their sons.

"How did I do last night?" Todd asked.

"Well, you made all ten of us cum, so I'd say you did pretty damn good," she answered.

"I wish I'd have known which one was you," he said, as his mom fed him another spoon-full.

She gave him a sexy smile. "Why, so you could have given my pussy some extra attention?"


"Well, don't fret too much, sugar. I'm sure you'll be spending plenty of time up inside mom's squeeze-box the next few days," she said.

"I hope so," Todd said, flexing his cock against her mons.

Vicky responded, crushing her clit against his bulging prick. "Me too," she smiled, staring down at him.

They glanced over at Jeff and Michelle, who were on the next bed over. Michelle was laying flat against him, her big tits sandwiched against his chest as she whispered naughty things into his ear.

"Hard to believe that's the same mom who used to ground him all the time for coming home late," Todd said.

"Now, sweetie, we moms may ground and scold you once in a while, but inside...we're all just horny little girls, that'll never change," she said.

Vicky brought her chest down onto his, snuggling against him. Todd loved the feel of her big spongy milkers mashing against his well-toned chest.

"We Moms are just horny little girls in big girl bodies," she said, then whispered in his ear, "Naughty little girls that crave big dick."

Todd wrapped his arms around her voluptuous body, clutching her tightly against him as Vicky began kissing and licking his neck.

"Ohhh, shit," the teen sighed. He felt like his entire body was being swallowed in the warm nylon-encased suppleness of his mother's middle-aged body.

Soon, her mouth found his, and they were making out like young lovers, their tongues dancing together passionately.

Vicky gently rocked her hips, rubbing her horny gash back and forth against the girth of Todd's erection.

As his Mom kissed her way back to his neck, and flailed her long tongue, Todd let out a delightful sigh. As the rest of the world went about it's marry way, here were ten lucky boys, tucked away in a secret resort, with their big breasted, overly horny moms showing them the pleasures of manhood.

"This is awesome," he confessed.

Vicky giggled between kisses. "You like it, sweetheart."

"I can't imagine liking anything more."

"See what us girls can do to you? See all the pleasure our bodies can bring you?" Vicky whispered, taking both his hand and pinning them back over his head.

With her arms extended out, her big boobies rested softly against Todd's face. He pressed his nose up between her wobbling wonders, into her gaping cleavage. "Ohhh yeah, I love it," he muttered.

Vicky giggled, rocking her shoulders and making her cannons jiggle around his face. At the same time, she pressed on his cock, letting her wet slit drag up and down it's length.

"Whoa," Todd sighed, enjoying the sensation of having his face smothered between her soft nylon covered boobs.

After about fifteen minutes of naughty snuggles, Monique entered the room and smiled as she saw the moms loving on their boys.

"How was breakfast, boys?" she asked.

"Yummy," the African-American boy, Alex sighed, with his mom's giant boob mashed up against his face.

"Yeah...what he said," another boy added, making all the mom's giggle as they sat up.

"Moms, if you'll follow me, we'll prepare for the first exercise of the day," she said.

Vicky climbed off her son, her heavy boobs bobbling beneath the nylon. She gazed down at him lustfully as she drug her long nails across his chest. "See you in a while," she said.

"Okay," Todd muttered, his heart pounding with excitement as he watched her sashay away. He could see his mom's meaty buttocks right through the nylon. Her big buns jiggled atop her strong sexy legs as she walked off. "Damn," the teen muttered lustfully.

After the boys were prepared, Monique came back for them. "Ready, boys?" she said.

They followed her down the corridor and into the hall of the Goddess. The moms were all waiting, standing by lounge-chairs completely naked.

"Holy fuck, they're naked, dude," Jeff whispered to Todd excitedly.

The Goddess stood at the front of the hall. Her voice echoed through the room. "Good morning, boys! Find your mother and embrace her," she said.

Todd walked over to Vicky and faced her, placing his arms around her soft hips, as she threw hers around his neck and smiled.

"Hey," she said, in that cute little mommy-tone.

"Hi," he answered, a bit nervously.

"Today, with the help of your mothers, we'll be teaching you the various positions of sexual intercourse. Once each couple has taken the position, you will have five minutes to practice it. Pace yourselves, boys. You will also need to begin work on increased staying-power, which mean no cumming. Slow your thrusts if you need to," the Goddess explained.

Vicky smiled and whispered to him. "Well, look at that, back inside this squeeze-box sooner than you thought," she teased.

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